April Fools Date (Last WOR SHOW)
Friday - April 1, 1977
WOR Show WOR Rerun
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Have ever really been taken in. . . Do kids still do April Fools day stuff really?
Show Description
Being April Fool's Day, Shep tells about the time when he was a kid in school and he gets a note in class from Patty Ramaley (sp.?). In the note she says she is madly in love with him.
Shep rushes home excited, deciding not to sell seeds for school that day. He heads to Patty's house and knocks on her door. Her mother answers the door and asks Shep what he wants. He tells her to tell Patty he is here. Patty tells her mother from the next room that they don't need any seeds. Shep is confused and Patty seems to know nothing asking what he wants. He fakes it and asks about the math homework and then leaves.
As he leaves the house, he hears giggling coming from under Patty's porch. Schwartz yells out April fools!
This was the last WOR broadcast by Shep, ending over 20 years on the station. He made no special remarks to signify the end. He mentioned leaving radio on his March 23rd show. He makes a quick reference to collecting teeth which was one of the stories.
[4-1-2014 - Laurie Squire]
In the last couple of months of Jean's time at WOR he did very few live shows and left it up to me to pick any show for air. I would listen through a tape for any glaring problems, have the old spots edited out and new ones inserted. I tried to choose shows that aired around the same time of the month so the April Fool's tape was chosen for that reason (I know, sounds bad but...). As to why he didn't do a last live show, that decision also was not up to him (but, for the record, he had no desire to do an "official" final live one): typically (not always but often) when an on-air talent was removed, the WOR management at the time did not want anyone's final show to be live out of fear that something untoward might happen or be said.
Station ID (All times approximate)
Speaking of being skunked, this is WOR New York. . .