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Dawn Strickland's Valentine's Day Party
Airdate: Friday - February 14, 1964

WOR Show
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First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
And here it is. . .
Show Description
"Valentine's Day and I have not yet received a single, solitary, sad, sincere, Valentine." "As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap" Our text for tonight - "You can't get lovin' when there ain't any love" The many types of Love (Luv) Love related new notes from Dallas and Atlanta with Honky Tonk "Stars and Stripes Forever" background music. Talks about the Limelight Show. This is to be the first Limelight Show and he says they are setting up the tanks for the underwater ballet. Playing the String Bass in the band shell at Grant Parks under the direction of Dr Frederick Stock while in High School. Dawn Strickland - "The first truly traumatic love of my life" The Valentine's Day party at Dawn's house when he was 5 or 6. Taking a box of Whitman's Samplers as a Valentine gift and coming home with the same box of candy as a prize.
There was this chick in the neighborhood whom I have mentioned from time to time that was the first truly traumatic love of my life. 1st grade class with Mrs. Meano "Dawn Strickland was the rich kid in the neighborhood. We lived down at the other end where they had the big apartment house, where if you were a phoney you could get a sub-lease. " "Across the street and down about a half a block was Dawn Strickland's house." Only lived there about seven months This was another world - on Beacon Street Dickie, Dick Twyman, and Cahmire who lived on the other street.
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