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Shep in writing

Last Update: 06-16-2019
Books By Shep


What Time does the Balloon Go Up

Rumored 1962



The New York Post - 6-3-1962 Accordingly, his novel to be published in the fall by Doubleday ("What Time Does the Balloon Go Up?") "tries to follow life just as it is sporadic. The trouble with most novels is that they have a thread. Life doesn't," he said. The Daily News - 11-20-1960 - FDU review "As for the future, Jean has begun taping a TV show for WABC which should appear next year. A new book entitled "What Time Does The Balloon Go Up" is also in the offing." The Herald News - 11-19-1962 - FDU review A man of many interests in the entertainment field (Including his own television show last year and a new one being planned, night club appearances and a book he is writing, "What Time Does the Balloon Go Up?"), Shepherd is well-known in the metropolitan area for his radio shows.
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