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Major Awards
Over the years Shep received many awards, nominations and tributes for his work

Last Update: 10-31-2014
Doctor of Letters

New England College

May 11, 1986

Shep not only gave the Commencement Address for the 39th annual commencement exercises at New England College, but he was the recipient of a "Doctor of Letters". While there he gave an autographed copy of "Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories. . ." Thanks to Steve Glazer and Frank Hall for this information.

May 11,1986
Program from Commencement - Courtesy: Frank Hall - Registrar New Eng College

Courtesy: Steve Glazer

May 11,1986
Program from Commencement - Courtesy: Frank Hall - Registrar New Eng College

Courtesy: Steve Glazer

May 11,1986
Program from Commencement - Courtesy: Frank Hall - Registrar New Eng College

Courtesy: Steve Glazer

May 11,1986
Autographed "Wanda" given to William O'Connall - Pres of New England College

Courtesy: Steve Glazer