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Gravity Defied
Rerun Date: Tuesday - October 7, 1975

WOR Show
WOR Rerun


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Buy early for Easter. . .
Show Description
Shep talks about "Gravity Hill" in Schellsburg Pa. where a car, descending the hill, and placed in neutral., will roll to a stop and reverse direction, going back up the hill. Also, walking down the hill requires as much effort as if walking up and walking up the hill is like walking down. A stream which runs parallel to the road also runs UP . In Michigan, Shep spends ten days in a cabin he rented from a farmer who owned 500 acres. It was right on the shore of Rifle Lake. After about three days he is sitting in the boat on the lake fishing when all of a sudden something big and smooth rolled right next to the boat from out of the black water and then disappears. Everyday it kept seeming darker. After a few days Shep is listening to the portable radio, and walks out of the cabin into the night... except it was 11:00am! It was pitch dark and you could see stars. By 3:00 it began to get ligh, by 4:30 it was twilight and by 5:00 it was getting dark again. He also talks about the wildlife in the area and the Apple Jack and Cherry Jack produced locally.
Gravity hill website: http://www.bedfordcounty.net/GRAVITYHILL/Index.htm Shep claims to have found out 2 months later what occurred on the lake, but doesn't tell on this show at least.
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