Soldier of Fortune; Army Aptitude Test
Wednesday - June 18, 1975
WOR Show Original Airing
(Syndicated Release)
Last Update: 01-12-2025
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Here we go here, here we go. . .
Show Description
Shep opens by acknowledging that he was the voice on the commercials shown during the TV series "The Deputy" starring Henry Fonda.
In a "Straws in the Wind" classic, as described by Shep, he talks of 'professional journals' and reads brief descriptions from one called "Soldier of Fortune" dealing with the testing of new rifles, night fighting, freelance paramedics and others.
He then talks about a comedy bit he did about 10 years ago on an LP (1961 - Will Failure Spoil Jean Shepherd) regarding a fictitious new professional magazine called Guts. He re-creates a portion of this sketch.
In closing he talks of the three days of V.A. aptitude testing he went through which determined that he was qualified to become a dentist and how, after a year and a half, he decided he didn't want to be looking into peoples mouths the rest of his life.