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Harold Dill, High School Bully / Tolls and Tipping
Airdate: Saturday - September 4, 1965

Limelight Show
Original Airing

Last Update: 10-31-2009

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
They're milking the weather report. . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Ken Applegate - 10-31-2009 ] A Story Surrounding home life to the background lyrics of "I'm just a gigolo" The one time dreams of elementary school teachers of ART, and other come downs How to escape getting nailed for questions in class and speaker selections Labor Day in the mid-west and the first day of high school High School Survival 101 Telling your boss off A giant invective whoopee and head light flashing at oncoming traffic Arriving in Heaven at the exact change lane and not having exact change Heroism: A true story of someone arriving at the Lincoln Tunnel toll booth and refusing to pay because after all the tunnel was supposed to have been paid for years ago Fundamentals of tipping Cabbies in New York Sheps father the big tipper

WOR ID (with audience 'participation') Speaking of urchins under the porch, what evil decadent radio station is this gang, 'WOR' let's hear it, 'AM & FM,' and where are we, 'NEW YORK,' and that is the, 'BIG APPLE!' Speaking of klutzes what radio station is this gang, Come on lets hear it, 'WOR AM & FM' in friendly New York which is a fantastic place to visit friends

Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Engineer and Staff in Booth Instruments Played Rating

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