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Live Performances

Last Update: 06-05-2016
Ursinus College

Collegeville, PA

April 15, 1970

"I can't tell you what an exotic experience it is to be here as Ursinus." Shep leads off with the usual 'localized' college jokes and migrates to talking about growing up, coffee grounds in the sink, cockroaches and all. Faking it in class. Being born into the alphabetical ghetto, where all the last letters in the alphabet sit in the back of the class. You get lost and forgotten back there. This leads to the telling of the story which became "Lost at C", where Shep forever lost with his friends in the back of the class, gets called on by Mr. Pittinger to solve an equation and DOES! A lucky guess and instantly he's a math genius. The wonders of Route 22 and the concrete Mexicans. "Do Mexicans have little concrete Americans on their front lawn?" Accessories for your car - an automatic holy water dispenser, a little plastic Gil Hodges. The only accessory not in the car is the one you need at 3 in the morning while driving down the Turnpike. "Did you ever try driving 120 miles an hour cross legged?" Drive-in theatres, late night television, story of getting a "Cumquats Make You Horny" button.
Additional Comments:
15 minutes of question and answers at the end of the show.
Links to Further Information:
• Ursinus

April 15,1974
Shep with Ted Taylor, then Public Relations Director and English teacher at Ursinus

Courtesy: Steve Glazer

April 17,1970
Pottstown Mercury with correction

Courtesy: Steve Glazer