Shep's Trip to the Middle East - Part 6, The camel and the coat, Limelight Show
Saturday - June 11, 1966
Limelight Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Let them think they are now listening to the center of the hotbed of sin and degradation. . .
Show Description
More talk about the Middle East trip. Buying a water pipe duty free - made like a lamp.
Mom in the kitchen with the coffe grounds belching out of the sink. Force feeding Randy with a screwdriver and funnel.
Shep tells about his experience with a camel. New people move into the 'haunted house' on the block and they have a camel in the garage. Shep starts feeding it the leftover peanut butter and jelly sandwiches he had for lunch every day. After several months, one day he eats his whole sandwich and comes by empty handed. The camel is not amused and takes a big bite out of his new sheepskin coat. Shep's mother accuses him of lying when he tells her how the camel bit his coat, so he blames it on Flick. She sticks a bar of soap in Shep's mouth and calls Flick's mother. (See notes) He also tells of the sea lion they also had in the garage, living in a tank with cigar butts and beer cans. They would tap on the window and the sea lion would surface, its sad eyes peering at them. They would feed it apple cores every day after school. Then one day while they were playing ball a truck pulls up. The men go into the garage an come out carrying the sea lion on a stretcher. It had died.
Soap in mouth:
This basic concept was used in A Christmas Story. In stead of getting the soap in the mouth for lying, it was because of the cursing. The phone call is made to Schwartz's mother instead of Flick's.
The camel story was also told during the 1-6-71 show, "The Camel and the Coat"
Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Engineer and Staff in Booth
Instruments Played
Not Determined
Not Determined
None Yet
Related Plots / Story Lines and Other References Used