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Date |
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January 4, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
New York Scroungers
First Line: Excuse me while I light up this 5 cent . . .
January 13, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Burns & Allen clip, meets Dinah
First Line: This is going to be the only radio today that will not mention the Jet's victory over the colts. . .
January 14, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
First Line: time and progress march on. . .
January 16, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
4 Day Trials - Geoffrey Holder Interview
First Line: Excuse me I just was warming up here. . .
January 17, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Festivals, National "Days', "weeks", and "months"
First Line: did you say you were a bootlegger. . . .
January 18, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Setting the Tone - Life Changers
First Line: Are you all set in there? All righty - Happy Saturday to you. . . .
January 24, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Signal Corps Pillow
First Line: People are complaining everywhere you look. . .
January 25, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Army Myths Vs real Life - Boozing
First Line: Oh, we're all in for it kid. . .
January 27, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Camera, Balloon, Selsyn Motors
First Line: Oh, no, no, no, not yet. . .
February 1, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Cab Conversation, Menial Job-Rat Boy in Steel Mill
First Line: Oh, yes it's popping out everywhere
February 21, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Hobson's Choice, Do people see dreams in focus without their glasses on
First Line: You're going to have to move the list. . .
February 22, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Getting Sick in the Army
First Line: I tell you it's getting out of hand. . .
February 27, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Oriental Wisdom, Charlie Chan Sayings
First Line: Oh, boy, at long last, science is doing some real research. . .
February 19, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Ballon Ride in PA
First Line: Tashikaka Kalahara, a dentist. . .
March 7, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
AWOL / Locked in a Department Store
First Line: Just in time to louse you up. . .
March 8, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
African Tribal Music
First Line: You know, another one of my favorite cartoons of his. . .
March 14, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Inflatable Doll / Sings Hindustan
First Line: A yard wide I say, by George. . .
March 15, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Frozen in a Block of Ice
First Line: Oh, Oh, there a straw in the wind. . .
March 17, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Real Smells of Springtime in the Air / Rumpelstiltskin
First Line: Well I have made a definate resolution. . .
March 20, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Second Annual Parade of Humanity
First Line: Okay, gang, the time has come. . .
March 21, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Spring Equinox, Salute to Chickens
First Line: By way of a disclaimer, before we begin. . .
March 22, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Selling Seeds
First Line: Oh, yes, the first Saturday of Spring. . .
March 28, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
More New Jersey Slob Art, Salute to Margate Elephant Hotel, Learn Anything from Books!
First Line: Hello, test, hello, oh we got some bad news for you tonight. . .
March 29, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Model Airplane Flying
March 1969
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Sleeping Toll Taker, Penns Dutch Country
First Line: Hello, hello, hello, they can hear me. . .
April 5, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Easter Eve - Lamb Head
First Line: Slob art grows to a fantastic crescendo on a Saturday night. . . .
April 7, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Buried Cars, Chan, Moto
First Line: Hey, listen, we 've got a real sad little note here, . .
April 8, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Eminence, Indiana
First Line: Out of the darkness comes the voice. . .
April 10, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Bullets, Xrays, and a Corkscrew
First Line: The ten year old pupil proudly diplayed what he brought to school for show and tell time. . .
April 11, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Shepherd's Complaint
First Line: I hate to see this, this is so sickening. . .
April 12, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Report from Tower
First Line: Oh, what a sad story. . .
April 18, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Python in Toilet, Hindustan on Kazoo, Last Night's Princeton Show, Shep's First Live Performance
First Line: Hello there test, my God, I knew you'd come. . .
April 22, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Peeling an egg - Old man fixes his carburetor
First Line: Now we have a very difficult program here tonight. . .
May 9, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Selling Beer At the Ballpark
First Line: I tell sometime when you sit down in front of this evil microphone. . .
May 23, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Banana Oil
May 28, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
First Line: magnificent sideburns. . .
May 29, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Cockroach Racing
June 6, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The Cut
First Line: Why one guy threww the entire transmitter off the air. . .
July 4, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Ludlow Kissel and the Dago Bomb That Struck Back
First Line: Well we're going to bow to total and uncontrolable public demand here . . .
July 31, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show
Elevator Dancing
August 4, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan
First Line: Hey, you wanna hear a wild little story before we get started. . . .
August 5, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Happy Herb Jingle Animal Fables
First Line: Yes, friends, have you thought recently about the terrible story about the ant and the grasshopper
August 6, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show
First Love - Dawn Strickland
First Line: I'm sorry, I shouldn't weep in front of all the people. . .
August 7, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Catching Rats
First Line: Why am I getting such a hum in here. . .
August 8, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Horseback Riding
First Line: Here's a special note for all you horse coo-coos out there . . .
August 9, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Myths and Urban Legends
First Line: There you go, very good, very good. . .
August 11, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Toilet Tax, Army Story
First Line: it works the other way, have you noticed this one commercial. . .
August 12, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Snakes, Army Snake Story
First Line: Oh, it's terrible, hello, hello, hello there . . .
August 13, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Love, Society and Preferences
First Line: Listen, before we get started here tonight, I hear guys always talking about. . .
August 14, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Super Chief Freight Train
First Line: Before we start tonight, here's your assignment for this week. . .
August 15, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
First Line: Would you please is you will please. . .
August 16, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Fireman Fred - Evangelist
First Line: Have you noticed that last commercial. . .
August 18, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
First Line: Wait, I'm setting up my equipment here. . .
August 19, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Lights Out and Stripper on Bus
First Line: I'm ready, I'm ready - don't you worry. . .
August 20, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Steel Bands
First Line: I did that purposely, what a bad man. . .
August 21, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Daydreams, Scottish Girl
First Line: This is salute our fellow man night here on channel whoopie. . .
September 5, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Horse Opera
First Line: Hey, listen, I'm sorry I asked that question here a couple of days ago. . .
September 8, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Salute to New Jersey
First Line: Say, speaking of poison gas. . . .
September 10, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Impossible Dream
First Line: That's a big hit song of last year and only an American could have written it. . .
September 10, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Mets in First - Kazoo andJews Harp
First Line: Would you believe it is September 10th and the Mets are in 1st place. . .
September 11, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
First Line: We know, they can't tell me that. . .
September 11, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The Quark; What Time Is It? Army Fistfights
First Line: Wait a minute now, I'm part of the new world. . . .
September 12, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Horse Opera
First Line: Hey, listen, I'm sorry I asked that question a few days ago. . .
September 12, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Looking For Action
First Line: There's a cartoon, it's in tonights Post. . .
September 12, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Nude Skiing - Superstitions
First Line: Oh, hello there sports fans, what an exciting game it was. . .
September 13, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
High School Football Game
First Line: And, of course, it is a time for man to mull over. . .
September 14, 1969 Sunday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
The Cut
First Line: One guy tossed threw entire transmitter off the air the other night. . .
September 15, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Bad Gift, Dino Drops, Car Wash, Steel Mill Accident, Randy and Candy Machine
First Line: It's Monday, and it's raining like it's out of it's bird. . . .
September 16, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
First Line: And, already, you know eh, the signs are beginning to build up. . .
September 16, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Stoned Mouse - Army Story - Stripes
First Line: Never fear, I am on the scene. . .
September 17, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
NY Losers
First Line: Would you believe it, the Mets are in first place. . .
September 17, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Mooning, Answering Machines, Yankee Doodle Commercial
First Line: here's a little note here. . . .
September 18, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Salute to Bogota NJ; Australian Sharks
First Line: Hello there gang. . .
September 18, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
The Quark; What Time Is It? Army Fistfights
First Line: Oh, no, no, no, wait a minute now. . .
September 19, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Visiting Peg and Gedrof for the Weekend
First Line: Time marches on, and the eyes of the world are upon you. . .
September 19, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Looking For Action
First Line: Cartoon in tonights Post. . .
September 20, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Critics in New York
First Line: In talking about Miss America, one of out spies sent me. . .
September 21, 1969 Sunday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
First Day of Kindergarten
First Line: Now you know what time of the year this is. . .
September 22, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Radar and Practical Jokes
First Line: Hey, you wanna hear about a real total kookie. . .
September 22, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Army Story - Stripes
First Line: Never Fear, I am on the scene
September 23, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Something to Believe In; White Sox Jacket
First Line: What's going on in Great Bend, Kansas
September 23, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Yankee Doodles
First Line: Here's a little note here, it says ah, the fatter you are. . .
September 24, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Fearless Orthodontist, TV_Plot_Ideas
First Line: Hey, I'd like to salute somebody tonight. . .
September 24, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Salute to Bogota NJ; Australian Sharks
First Line: Hello there gag - aw we have a sad letter here. . .
September 25, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Da Mets
First Line: Oh hello there fellow victims. . .
September 26, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
People Frozen In Amber, Now Generation
First Line: Really, seriously, I'm doing the show tonight totally in the nude. . .
September 27, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Almost Busted
First Line: Now we'll take care of another request. . .
September 29, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Army SOS, Montauk
First Line: I mean Scrlotti and all that. . .
September 29, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Radar and Practical Jokes
First Line: Hey, you wanna hear about a real total kookie. . .
September 30, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
First Line: This is a totally confusing letter to me. . . .
September 30, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Something to Believe In; White Sox Jacket
First Line: What's going on in Great Bend Kansas?. . .
October 1, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show
Two Kinds of Education
First Line: Hey, listen, I got a good letter the other night. . . .
October 1, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Fearless Orthodontist, TV_Plot_Ideas
First Line: Hey, I'd like to salute somebody tonight, may I salute somebody tonight?. . .
October 2, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Da Mets
First Line: Oh hello there fellow victims. . .
October 3, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Peanut Butter Anonymous, Sandy the Bar Dog
First Line: Oh this is so terrible. . . .
October 3, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show WBUR Boston Synd Replay
People Frozen In Amber, Now Generation
First Line: Really, seriously, I'm doing the show tonight totally in the nude. . .
October 4, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Halftime Sousaphone
First Line: Don't worry there ain't nobody listening. . . .
October 5, 1969 Sunday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Almost Busted
First Line: Now we'll take care of another request. . .
October 6, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Beneath Your Feet
First Line: Oh, by the way, speaking of the whimsy of the world here. . .
October 6, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Army SOS, Montauk
First Line: Listen, before we begin, after all it's Monday night. . .
October 7, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Mets, Win Stuff
October 7, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
First Line: This is a totally confusing letter to me. . . .
October 8, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Two Kinds of Education
First Line: Hey, listen, I got a good letter the other night. . .
October 10, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Peanut Butter Anonymous, Sandy the Bar Dog
First Line: Oh, this is so terrible. . .
October 12, 1969 Sunday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Halftime Sousaphone
First Line: Don't worry, there ain't nobody listening. . .
October 13, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Beneath Your Feet
First Line: Oh, by the way, speaking of a whimsy of a world here. . .
October 16, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Da Mets - World Champs?!?
First Line: Well, you know, I wanna tell you. . .
October 17, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Incipient Marching Band Obscenity
First Line: I'd like to salute the faculty and the teachers out at the Northern Regional High School. . .
October 20, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Send For Particulars, Testimonials
First Line: Listen, talk about disappointment, do you realize. . .
October 21, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Jack Kerouac
First Line: Well, tonight's show is about a guy who died today. . .
October 23, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The Look in the Doctor's Eye
First Line: Oh, listen, talk about style. . .
October 23, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Da Mets - World Champs?!?
First Line: Well, you know, I wanna tell you. . .
October 24, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The Ballad of Blasphemous Bill - Robert Service Poetry
First Line: Allright, all set now?. . .
October 24, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Incipient Marching Band Obscenity
First Line: I'd like to salute the faculty and the teachers out at the Northern Regional High School. . .
October 27, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show
Pin Boy
First Line: We have so much business to get out of the way tonight. . .
October 27, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Send For Particulars, Testimonials
First Line: Listen, talk about disappointment, do you realize. . .
October 28, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Halftime Shows
First Line: You didn't think I'd make it, did ya. . .
October 28, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Jack Kerouac
First Line: Well, tonight's show is about a guy who died today. . .
October 29, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The Pompous Are Around Us
First Line: Well, I just thought I'd warn ya. . .
October 30, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The Forty-Inch Soaking Pit
First Line: That's one of the magic words of our times. . .
October 30, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
The Look in the Doctor's Eye
First Line: Oh, listen, talk about style. . .
October 31, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
The Ballad of Blasphemous Bill - Robert Service Poetry
First Line: Allright, all set now?. . .
November 2, 1969 Sunday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Pin Boy
First Line: We have so much business to get out of the way tonight. . .
November 4, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Salute To Halftime - Halftime Shows
First Line: You didn't think I'd make it, did ya. . .
November 5, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
The Pompous Are Around Us
First Line: Well, I just thought I'd warn ya. . .
November 6, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
The Forty-Inch Soaking Pit
First Line: That's one of the magic words of our times. . .
November 8, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The Clunker of All Time
First Line: Hey, listen, tonight I think we oughta salute briefly. . .
November 10, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The French Seventy-Five
First Line: Hey, you slob, how would you like to hear a hit record. . .
November 11, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Fly, Glide, and Soar
First Line: A number of women who have been annoyed in Houston by a naked doorbell ringer. . .
November 12, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Sounds of Our Times: Talk Shows
First Line: Hello, test, hello, hello. . .
November 13, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
First Line: Wanna hear another one, listen to this one. . .
November 14, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Nitty Gritty Radio
First Line: that's enough of that - one of the sadest stories I've heard in a long time . . .
November 15, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Realism: Company K and the Movies
First Line: Oh, we're all for it kid, every last one of us. . .
November 16, 1969 Sunday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
The Clunker of All Time
First Line: Hey, listen, tonight I think we oughta salute briefly. . .
November 17, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Fastest Gun in the West
First Line: Isn't this a cute little story for the beginning of the week. . .
November 17, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
The French Seventy-Five
First Line: Hey, you slob, how would you like to hear a hit record. . .
November 18, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Fleabag Memories - Trapped in the John
First Line: Hello, test, hello, very good, very good. . .
November 18, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Fly, Glide, and Soar
First Line: A number of women who have been annoyed in Houston by a naked doorbell ringer. . .
November 19, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Sounds of Our Times: Talk Shows
First Line: Hello, test, hello, hello. . .
November 20, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Sentimental Poetry
First Line: All right, we're gonna take right off here. . . .
November 20, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
First Line: Wanna hear another one, listen to this one. . .
November 21, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Rising Out of the Meatloaf - Caterpillar in Salad
First Line: Quack, quack (many times over)
November 21, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Nitty Gritty Radio
First Line: that's enough of that - one of the sadest stories I've heard in a long time . . .
November 22, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Automobile Names, WLW Radio
First Line: Okay, all right, before we get started here tonight. . .
November 23, 1969 Sunday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Realism: Company K and the Movies
First Line: Oh, we're all for it kid, every last one of us. . .
November 24, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Johnny Appleseed Tree and Rattlesnake
First Line: For crying out loud, I though that was the funniest title for a painting. . . .
November 24, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Fastest Gun in the West
First Line: Isn't this a cute little story for the beginning of the week. . .
November 25, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show
Fleabag Memories - Trapped in the John
First Line: Hello, test, hello, very good, very good. . .
November 26, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show
Salute to News, Sankes, High School Football Game
First Line: The time has now come for us to recognze. . .
November 27, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show WOR Rerun
Thanksgiving Show
First Line: You know the most distinctive sound, I'm going to be in very bad taste. . .
November 28, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show
Steel Mill Workers
November 28, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
Rising Out of the Meatloaf - Caterpillar in Salad
First Line: Quack, quack, quack, quack, . . .
December 17, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Cross Country Air Mail
First Line: Don't ask me why, I mean ours is to do or die. . .
December 18, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Gifts, Army Cook Book, Simulated Moon Rock, Army Stories
First Line: Oh hey, listen, here's a great little gift suggestiin. . .
December 19, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Goldberg's Pipe
First Line: Dear Shepherd, we have a little letter here. . .
December 20, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Xmas Grab Bag at Woolworths
First Line: And by the way, where do you shoot a 'nauga'. . .
December 22, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
First Line: What the conductor said to Abraham Lincoln just before they got to Gettsburg. . .
December 23, 1969 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Glee Club
First Line: All right kill it, that's enough, that's enough
December 24, 1969 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The Bootblack's Christmas and other Xmas Poetry
First Line: All right, all right, okay, that's enough of that.
December 25, 1969 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show WOR Rerun
Red Ryder Story
First Line: I'm going to get right to it today. . .
December 26, 1969 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Booze - Flying High
First Line: Oh, Merry Christ - here it is Christmas - afterwards
December 27, 1969 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The Return of the Smiling Wimpy Doll
First Line: All right that's enough theme, whoa, not so quick. . .
December 29, 1969 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
New Year's Resolutions
First Line: Well, it won't be long, it will not be long. . .
December 1969
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
On The Road with Jean Shepherd - Remote From Agra, India
First Line: Well, Im sitting here in my hotel room in Agra. . .
December 1969
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Agra-Taj M
First Line: (Opening Cut)
December 1969
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
New Dehli India - radio cricket.mp3
First Line: (Opening Cut)
December 1969
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
India - first show
December 1969
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Last India Show
December 1969
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
India show - Bangalore
Radio - WOR Show
On Location at The Union Steel Mill Open Hearth
First Line: Speaking of the downfall of Rome department. . .
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Pudding Ship, Man of La Mancha, Army Story - Red Lined!
First Line: I tell you, it's getting out of hand. . .
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Salute to Doughty Old Dolls, Snakes, Salute To Dumb Guys
First Line: The time has now come for us to recognise some doughty old dolls. . .
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Trip to Africa
First Line: Pomp and Circumstance. . .
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Boles to Wed
First Line: Very important program tonight. . . Very important program toight. . .