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January 1, 1968 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Jean Shepherd
January 10, 1968 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Jean Shepherd
January 12, 1968 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Jean Shepherd
January 17, 1968 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Whoever Thought They Would Be President
First Line: I was listening to the President
January 22, 1968 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Jean Shepherd
January 25, 1968 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Radio Shows and Conversations
First Line: Your favorite Guru is here tonight. . .
January 27, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Flick's Tongue
First Line: This is terrible, I'm still shaken by this whole thing. . .
January 29, 1968 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
People in the News, The Drunk Test, The Lucky Lady Gambler
First Line: It's getting out of hand, It's just completely getting out of hand. . .
January 22,23 or 24 1968
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Archie the Cockroach - Worm Lovers vs Bird Lovers
First Line: Let me remove my shades here . . .
February 1, 1968 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Spy Stories
First Line: Who is that used to say You ain't heard nothin yet
February 17, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Versions of Hell: Obscene Bath Mat, Blind Date
First Line: Oh, that's a rotten thing to say. . .
February 19, 1968 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Jean Shepherd
February 20, 1968 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
GI Party - Scrubbing Floors
First Line: Wasn't it H.L. Menkin who said. . .
March 9, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Library Paste Junkies
First Line: We have here a note that must be repeated immediately. . .
March 15, 1968 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Company K - Galloping Dominos
First Line: That's enough of that. . . .
March 18, 1968 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Lucky Strike Green Champion Smoke Ring Blower
First Line: (Opening Cut)
March 23, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Boles' Wedding
First Line: Listen, before we get under way here, I got a thing here. . .
March 30, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Old Man and 6 Foot Kite
First Line: Opening Cut - last 11 min only
April 1, 1968 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
April Fools Date
First Line: And now we present John B. Gambling the Third. . .
April 6, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show WOR Rerun
March on Washington
First Line: Shep begins the show singing "I'm forever blowing bubbles"
April 8, 1968 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Back from Portugal
First Line: There - we're on the air
April 13, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Saturday before Easter
First Line: That's very very nice. . . .
April 27, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Private Sanderson
First Line: little wolf boy who was found 14 years ago on all fours. . .
Apr/May 1968
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Fake Shepherds -
First Line: We'd like to salute Yosoff Kagon a 36 year old Istanbul factory worker. . .
May 1, 1968 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Anniversary of First Ham License
First Line: It's style, no matter what you do, it's style. . . .
May 3, 1968 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Sopwith Camel, Bonnie & Clyde, Role Reversal
First Line: Oh, this is so sad. . .
May 6, 1968 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Soggy Coffee cup, Song of India, Pool Pro, Bowling, more pool hustling.
May 17, 1968 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Roaches in Florida, Important People
First Line: I thought I'd sneak up on you. . .
May 25, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Army Bourbon March
First Line: Oh, we're all in for it kid. . .
May 28, 1968 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
First Line: I can hardly wait to hear who wins. . . .
June 11, 1968 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Electrical Shocks and Cheating in School
First Line: This is a - I just have to warn you. . .
June 15, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Animal Kingdom & Dead Flies
First Line: So nice, isn't that a nice opening there. . .
June 17, 1968 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Sounds of WWI Planes
First Line: (Opening Cut)
June 18, 1968 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Campaign Cliches
First Line: Cut that theme, cut it Don. . .
June 19, 1968 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Vote For The Tiger and Raising Worms
First Line: singing. . . And now for the next fotry-five minutes. . .
June 20, 1968 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Exciting Places
First Line: I'll motormouth you boy, right where it counts. . .
June 21, 1968 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Krapp's Last Tape
First Line: One of the most interesting dramas written in the past 25 years. . .
June 22, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Dirt Track Racing
First Line: Dear Shep,I'm writing you to warn the world. . .
June 24, 1968 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
More on World War II Planes
First Line: This is a day of self-indugence. . .
June 26, 1968 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Peanut Butter Anonymous - Letter from the Rockies
First Line: Before we get under way here tonight. . .
June 27, 1968 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Dr Fu Man Chu
First Line: You notice what's happening to match covers? . . .
June 28, 1968 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Poetry by T.S. Elliot, Elizabeth Bishop and Kenneth Patchen
First Line: Would you do something for me. . .
June 29, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Uncle Carl's Trip
First Line: You know that is funny when you think about it. . .
July 2, 1968 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
First Line: You never would think you know. . .
July 3, 1968 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Losing Your Eyebrows
First Line: I just can't, no I can't . . .
July 4, 1968 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show WOR Rerun
Ludlow Kissel And The Dago Bomb
First Line: I'll finish that poem. . .
July 5, 1968 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Stuffed Cats and Radio Technology
First Line: By God, its right on the tip of my tongue. . .
July 8, 1968 Monday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Stealing From the Melon Patch
First Line: Here we are, hello there gang. . . .
July 9, 1968 Tuesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The Lost Summer
July 12, 1968 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Actor Trivia
July 20, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Going to the Races
First Line: Think very caefully, the 20th of July. . .
July 31, 1968 Wednesday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The Life That We Live
First Line: (Opening Cut)
July 1968
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The Bumpus Hounds
First Line: I couldn't believe my eyes, I thought to myself. . .
July 1968
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Creatures of Nature
First Line: (Opening Cut)
July 1968
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
First Line: Ready in there Al?
July 1968
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Trip to Barbados
First Line: Hold on a minute gang, Ive got some work to do. . .
July 1968
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Trip to Grenada
First Line: I'm sitting on the patio of the small chalet that I am occupying. . .
August 3, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Fireman Fred
First Line: (Opening Cut)
November 16, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Cameo Theory of Memory
First Line: Thank you, thank you, Skip, there we go. . .
November 22, 1968 Friday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Shooting Craps in Company K
First Line: Good evening friends, good evening. . .
November 28, 1968 Thursday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Turkeys and Thanksgiving
First Line: You know the most distinctive sound, I'm going to be in very bad taste. . .
November 30, 1968 Saturday
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
The Steel Mill Pick-Up Truck
First Line: It's Saturday night, boy am I ready. . .
November 1968
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Embarrassing Moments in Flight
First Line: I've got a million of them. . .
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Rabbits on the March, Horror Movies, Attack of Locusts
First Line: 1968 marches on into the great unknown. . .
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Music - Singing - Intolerance - The Human Condition
First Line: I want to try something before we get strated tonight
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Snake Worship - Jaguars
First Line: Tonight I have decided there is only one way to go. . .