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Without Them You Would Not Have Existed - Cavemen
Airdate: Monday - November 20, 1972

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Yes, yes, my dear . . . When you was a tadpole. . .
Show Description
Shep opens by reading "Evolution" Stories that have influenced us as kids. The cave man period of life. What kid drama was based on a cave man? Wizard of Oz - Shep asks a group of trivia questions about the story. What city? What road? Visiting a museum with Miss Robinette. Looking at the cave man exhibit. A family of cave people. She pointed out that these were our ancestors. Without them we wouldn't even exist.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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