USO Show - The Darling of Company K
Friday - June 17, 1966
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Oh, Barbasol, Oh, Barbasol, just wet your razor and then begin
Show Description
Straws in the wind:
A romantic moment - Shep salutes a New Haven woman who steals a man's wallet and swallows two of the three $100 bills he had.
The official magazine of the British Army no longer prints pictures of girls because "the girl apparently means less to today's soldier"
Shep starts talking about the darling of Company K of the 362nd Signal Air Warning Group. "A fantastically boring outfit!" He quickly sidetracks to another story about the guy standing in the mess line who paces back and forth and finally breaks out of line, runs up to the lister (water) bag and slices it open with a knife. Shep talks about liter bags (water bags), 'The Purple Death' (Grape Kool-aid), weekend passes, and Sad Sack.
One day a notice is put on the bulletin board that the entire group is restricted to base the following weekend because a USO show is coming. Everyone anticipates Bob Hope, Jack Benny, and Debbie Reynolds. The camp gets a complete cleaning from top to bottom.
Finally a little fat lady climbs up to the piano and begins playing "It's a long way to Tipperary". After what seemed like 2 hours of piano playing the next act comes on - an 80 year old man with a straw hat and cane who tap dances.
Station ID (All times approximate)
...has to do with horses, and ah speaking of that - this is WOR