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Hooked on Altered States
Airdate: Tuesday - May 31, 1966

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Oh, yes indeed, the time has come once more. . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Max Schmid - ] Quotes "April is the cruelest month". Reads article about Jersey Devil re-appearing. DTs, seeing animals like bats and rats. Do IBM programmers see talking computers? The Lost Weekend is a REALLY scary movie. Monster movies, why we like them. Now they are all based on the atomic bomb. Thrill-seeking - LSD and skydiving. War is the ultimate fright, so mankind seeks it out. Mass Man versus Unit Man. Unit Man wants peace, Mass Man wants war. Escapism - Drugs, movies, TV. Many forms of escape. "Great Show, a deepie" - Max
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