10, 9,8...Phitt, or; Hamsters in Space
Thursday - March 31, 1966
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
You ca't get lovin where there ain't any love. . .
Show Description
Shep starts the show in one of his silly singing moods. "Just once I want to come on the air with the dignity of 20th century man"
He's looking for an old cathedral style Philco radio. One that works, not one that somebody gutted to make a house for their canary.
Shep talks about one of the engineers who has a car with a tape deck in it and he plans to play sound effects while driving up behind other cars. Or maybe he drive through the Lincoln tunnel and when he gets halfway through, play a loud scream. "Cars are getting to be like moving houses." He talks about all the accessories available for cars from TVs to bars.
Shep shifts to talking about the rejuvenation of old radio tubes, drop them twice, put 5,000 volts across the plate and they're good for another 10 seconds.
Reading from the Paterson Evening News, Shep tells a story of a group of Paterson students that plan to put a hamster into space. They were going to soot him up 500 feet in the air and then spend the next few months studying the effects on him. But things did not go well for the students. All attempts at launching the rocket fail. They even tried lighting the fuse with a lighter and a blowtorch, all the while the hamster prayed! Finally the teacher grabs the rocket and throws it 8 feet in the air and the experiment is over. The hamster is still praying.