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More Human Comedy
Airdate: Thursday - March 24, 1966

WOR Show
Original Airing

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Put that in your ear and smoke it. . .
Show Description
In a salute to eternal human comedy, Shep refers to an advertisement for "Gold Plated Hand Grenades" referring to them as a "light hearted executive gift". This leads to various stories concerning the dangers of owning potentially dangerous items. Shep tells about sitting around the "Talent Office" with four other guys when one day the mail is delivered and one of the fellows, Jack, receives a box about 4 inches square. He opens it and inside is a cigarette lighter in the shape of a big, black, shiney "8" ball. He fills it with lighter fluid and lights a cigagrette when all of a sudden the ball just bursts into flames. While working in Cincinnati, Ohio, there was a story of a house which caught fire while the occupants were not home. The fire department responded and while putting out the fire, suddenly the whole house explodes. Apparently the people living there had a live 105 round sitting on the fireplace which went off. In the last story, he tells about how all the guys go down to 'radio row' on State Street in Chicago and they pick up all kinds of old surplus Army radio equipment. His friend Lloyd buys an old "keyer". Shep remembers something about the keyer and fails to tell Lloyd about it. Several days later he hears about Lloyd's accident. It seems that a lot of the old equipment was made with a mechanism to destroy the unit in the case of an emergency during battle. It had not been deactivated and Lloyd triggered it.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Instruments Played
Jews Harp
Nose Flute

None Yet

Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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