The Indominable Spirit of Man
Tuesday - March 8, 1966
WOR Show Original Airing
Last Update: 10-17-2016
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
I'm forever blowing bubbles. . .
Show Description
This is a very unofficial show.
We are breaking in a new engineer tonight - and that's worse than breaking in a new pair of shoes.
This is absolutly the worst piece of music ever written by the foul minded man! (Theme)
Shep lights his pipe.
Kazoo playing
56 year old Chicago judge saves a woman.
Backyard basketball
Old cars in backyards - Uncle Carls had an Essex with mushrooms growing out of it.
Looking for parts in used car lots and installing a new speedometer.
Station ID (All times approximate)
Speaking of getting canned - this is WOR AM and FM New York
A Salute to. . .
• The indominable spirit of man
Brass Figlagee Award
"I will award the Brass Figlagee. . .""
• How many remember the famous phrase that Harry Truman applied to a music critic. (S.O.B.)