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Australia #6 - Anzac Day Tapes
Airdate: Monday - May 17, 1965

WOR Show
Original Airing


Last Update: 08-09-2023

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
That's enough, I don't have time for that stuff tonight. . .
Show Description
Shep has received a bunch of letters from listeners asking why he went to Australia or travel other countries so often. He goes because it's there and asks why do people in Hackensack not feel the urge to look at the rest of the world. He's been traveling since he was a kid. At 8 or 9 his first trip was to Ohio and he loved the feeling of different places. He gets a feeling of ecstasy leaning out of the window or walking along the streets of a foreign country. He likes to wake up early around 4 or 5am and observe the local people getting started in the morning. Manly, Australia - hundreds of souvenier shops but not for the outside tourists, they are for the Australian tourists, since Manly is a resort for Australians to go. Don't try to analyze a country. Shep likes to talk of the experiences he has and makes recordings of the sounds of the area and fills notebooks with his observations for everywhere he visits. The entire world is so paradox, but Australia is the most paradox of all the ones he has visited. The have a great pride that they are decended from a penal colony sent there by England. "Our population was selected by some of the greatest judges in England" He talks about ANZAC day in Australia. This is the biggest holiday there and it is in celebration of the military achievements of Australia since World War 1. Shep plays a tape he recorded from his room of the parade passing in the street below. You can hear the bagpipes playing in the background and a local radio broadcaster describing the parade.
ANZAC - Australian New Zealand Armed Corps
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
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