Australia #4 - Arrival in Sydney
Thursday - May 13, 1965
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
After you've gone. . .
Show Description
The moon over Pakistan, the reality of traveling in trains vs planes. For people who travel a lot there is a great boredom. He tells about his discussion with Shel Silverstein about the drag of traveling.
He describes flying over Pakistan while reading about the Pakistan / India dispute in the Herold Tribune. Hw looks down from the plane and sees only a few lights below as opposed to flying over other more densely populated countries where the cities are all lit up.
Flying over the outback of Australia on the way to Sidney. Censorship in Australia prohibits Playboy magazine and Shep tells how he smuggled a copy into Australia wrapped inside a copy of Christian Science. He tells a reporter about it and claims that he will go to a local burger joint at high noon on Monday and take it out to read. He didn't do it, but claims the reporter showed up with two photographers and the chief of police.
Australians are big drinkers, but all the bars close at 6pm. He says that the parties start early. He was invited to one and was taken by surprise at how formal their informal parties were. A regular Fred Astair / Ginger Rogers party with formal evening gowns. When he remarked about the formality, a guet told him that the formal party was going to be next week, this was just a get together!