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Covering Political Conventions; Red Garter Dixieland Band / More on Elections, Rain God, Smoky Joe
Airdate: Saturday - July 11, 1964

Limelight Show
Original Airing

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Sh Sh, You see the thing about life is no one really knows what to expect. . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Ken Applegate - ] 1st Hour Shep holds a pseudo convention in the Limelight! Election politics of dry towns that boarder wet towns (Bristol, Tenn.?) Smoky Joe's strong arm politics, money talks nobody walks. Red Garter Band 2nd hour- A great picture is painted, "Have you ever had the feeling that you are some forgotten actor in a gigantic pageant; where everybody has fantastic lines and a great script; and you have just been told to go out and ad-lib; and they say ad-lib on cue; and then they forget to tell you what the cue is . . ." Shep talks about accidents in time, that the breaks are always given to the other guy. And how some technicians at various transmission relay stations get their revenge. 'Mexican Museum erects huge idol, interest in ancient rain God overshadows elections' according to the New York Times. What if the average man observed an actual mythological happening? Finally an ARMY story about elections in the military.
Shep predicts the future election of an actor as a president (again).
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Needs to be ID'd
A group from the Red Garter plays rag time compilation of 'I'm the Sheik of Araby' and 'When You're Smiling the Whole world Smiles with You .' Followed by another tune I can't name. Then they do 'Michael Row the Boat Ashore', 'We Shall Overcome', and 'Swing Low Sweet Chariot.'
Engineer and Staff in Booth Instruments Played Rating

Not Determined

None Yet

Related Plots / Story Lines and Other References Used
Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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