Robert Service Poems, Winter, Flick's Tongue
Thursday - January 15, 1976
WOR Show
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Not Determined Yet
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Ken Applegate - ]
Description Shep opens show with the golden opportunity hour & a Robert service Poem. Shep makes the observation that NYC is not cold & a Robert service Poem.
After the break Shep opens with a reference to an unheard joke, talks about the season and is interrupted by a news broadcast.
Animals have heightened senses compared to ours, except in the sense of touch and heat & cold. Some stories of that cold (a break) then Flick's Tongue!
Station ID (All times approximate)
... half crazed - which reminds me this is WOR New York, we'll be back immediately after this blast of goodies.