March on Washington
Rerun Date:
Saturday - April 6, 1968
WOR Show WOR Rerun
Last Update: 08-30-2023
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Shep begins the show singing "I'm forever blowing bubbles"
Show Description
Shep begins the show singing "I'm forever blowing bubbles"
The show was on tape the previous night and he explains the reason being that he was one of the marchers who went to Washington.
One of the two or three most interesting days that he has experienced in his life, he went to Washington on a cross town bus as just one of the marchers.
He describes the bus ride down, and his observations of how things went once they were there. He doesn't tell about the events themselves, but discusses what went on around him. How the people acted, and how organized things were.
He compares his experience with that of a regular news reporter, who is doing a report from the press stand and not getting the real feel of the events as they unfolded.
Lester Smith intros the show as being a rerun in tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.
This was a special rebroadcast of the August 29, 1963 show. Shep was in Portugal when MLK was assasinated and very likely another show was scheduled but changed at the last minute due to the event.