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Jean Shepherd College Speaker
Airdate: Thursday - February 29, 1968

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Last Update: 05-29-2019

Show Description
Jean Shepherd, radio personality heard nightly over WOR Monday through Saturday, will speak in Memorial Auditorium, Montclair State College, on Tuesday, at 8 P.M. under the auspices of CLUB (College Life Union Board). Tickets are one dollar. Mr. Shepherd's talk is untitled. On the lecture platform as before the microphone, he speaks of whatever comes to -mind. His pungent comments on the current scene are heard by an average metropolitan audience of 66,000, many of them college students, and via WOR's 50,000-watt station are carried as far north as Canada and as far south as Bermuda. Born in the Midwest, Mr. Shepherd worked as a sports announcer in Chicago while still in his teens. Following two years in the Signal Corps from 1944-46, he used the GI Bill to attend Northwestern, then the University of Chicago, and finally Indiana University, never getting a diploma. He then took a radio commentator’s job at WSAI in Cincinnati in 1949 where, he says, his free-form style of show “just evolved." He came to New York in 1955, and while making the rounds of agents and producers, was offered an all-night radio job at WOR. Except for a short-lived show on WOR-TV in 1960, he's been a radio performer ever since. Besides hosting one of the liveliest radio shows in the country, Mr. Shepherd is also an accomplished writer. He is the author of a book, “In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash,” several screenplays and a forthcoming Broadway play, and has been a contributor to many leading magazines including Playboy, where one of his short stories won the 1965 Humor/Satire Award.
Commercials (All times approximate)
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Music (All times approximate)
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Related Plots and Story Lines Used

February 29,1968
The Montclair Time

Courtesy: Steve Glazer

Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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