In A Christmas Mood; Pre Christmas Show
Friday - December 22, 1972
WOR Show
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Hello, test, do mind if I sing the only verse I know of a Christmas carol. . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Lowell Thelin - ]
"Deck The Halls with Boston, Charlie"
Short history of Christmas cards
Ebenezer "Stooge" quiz
Slob Art - Bank displays huge tin Christmas tree with the corporate emblem replacing the Star of Bethlehem
Merry Christmas wishes to a "call in" listener representing the entire audience
Give your friends "you" - ad for full dimensional sculptured facsimile of you "to take your place at long meetings or dull parties"
Christmas greetings from Conway Tweedy (Shep's guinea pig)
Wife opens 6' 2" talking sculptured facsimile of husband received as Christmas gift - "It's Alive"
Prediction of ego centered Christmas gift giving by 1980
Phone calls from guinea pig owners and listening to their guinea pigs squeal
Shepherd talks with Leigh several times during the show and is in a happy mood throughout.
Leigh imitates guinea pig.