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Electrical Shocks and Cheating in School
Airdate: Tuesday - June 11, 1968

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
This is a - I just have to warn you. . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Lowell Thelin - ] Poems from kids in Rumson, NJ including "My Desk", "The Worm", and "Poem to Lima Beans" Shep relates finding a box with a crank in the basement of an abandoned house in the woods with his friends - a very official looking medical case with a list of diseases (colic, scurvy, the "glunts", etc.) The number of minutes of electrical shock treatment per day was listed for each ailment! When Schwartz cranked, Flick took off like a $2 sky rocket - a new game was born. They took greater shocks each day, and graduated to holding on to a plug in an electric light socket - then to a Ford spark coil! Schwartz wires Flick's car with a huge charge, but the gag backfires when Schwartz himself gets the shock! Shep relates his attempt at cheating on a Chemistry test one Spring day. He penned in enough formulas on the tongue of his denim blue Ked tennis shoes to just squeak by, but a rainstorm during lunch dissolved all the ink into his socks so the notes were gone by the time of the exam.
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