Spell of the Yukon -The Antarctic
Thursday - January 6, 1966
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Hello, there we're on. . .
Show Description
"This show will be interrupted at least 4 times to tell us that there is no news.. About the strike!." (Newspaper?)
"You can now buy 'Sour Grapes' " (reference to Luden's candy)
Elements and secret ingrediants. Reading box labels - 'Rat Poison' , Shep reads the description and contents of a box of rat poison to the music of the informer.
Ham radio - spent the previous night talking with a group of guys stationed in Antarctica where it was now summer with 24 hours of daylight and up to zero degrees.
He tells of talking with a German who was calling from a 4 masted schooner. It was a German training ship with a bunch of cadets aboard. 3 or 4 weeks later it sunk.
"Amateur radio is not a bunch of little boys sitting around interferring with television."
Shep mentions he had a chance a few years ago to visit the Antarctic which leads to the telling of the Robert Service peom "The Spell of he Yukon"
He tells the story of how, one Christmas, he is invited to visit Schwartz's uncle for the Christmas holiday - in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan. He describes the trip up there and how it was 43 degrees below zero when he got there.
Station ID (All times approximate)
• 15:20
Speaking of rare esoteric radio stations this is WOR AM and FM in New York - 40 feet below the surface of this rithing town of sin and corruption.