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Bobby The Operator
Airdate: Wednesday - February 26, 1964

WOR Show
Original Airing


Last Update: 02-10-2008

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
And so my mother is looking out of the window. . .
Show Description
Shep's mom describes life - "You're either gonna like it or you're gonna lump it." Shep talks about liking it and lumping it. He mentions the Clay - Liston fight. Isn't that what Clay told the reporters - like it or lump it! Whining is a major art form. A West Haven School is almost closed because the student parking lot had not been cleared of snow and the students were complaining. They have better cars than the teachers. Telephone listening / recording devices. Amoral advertisements - Executive jobs being eliminated by use of automation and computers. Creativity courses - there is not a kid under 17 who has not been told he is talented. What is talent? Shep tells the story of his classmate Bobby. He was fantastic at getting good grades, he never answered questions in class because he always call on the teacher before she could call on him. Shep was given the chance to do a radio show at a local station each week highlighting the school sports scores. Bobby makes Shep take him down to the station to meet the program director. After spending a few minutes with the Program Director, Sam Weller, he ends up as the producer of Shep's show over Mr. Wilson, the History teacher. Soon he becomes the nightime supervisor rearranging the station constantly working his way up the ladder. Shep gets out of school and is in the Army where one day he sees an ad with Bobby in a pinstripe suit - "Young Man of the Year", operating one of the biggest talent agencys in Hollywood. After he was out of the Army and going to collage he see a sign stating that Bobby was giving an address to the commerce club. Shep goes to see him and Bobby is brushes him off with a curt hello, being too busy, having to catch a plane.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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